Day 18, Saturday: Tell a story from your childhood. Dig deep and try to be descriptive about what you remember and how you felt.
One of my earliest memories from my childhood is one that tells a lot about who I am as an adult. Y'all, I cannot keep a secret to save my life! I have successfully only kept 2 in my whole life. If you ever have ANYTHING that you want kept quiet, I suggest you don't tell me. When I was probably 6 or 7 I was at a birthday party for my younger cousin and I definitely spilled the beans on her gift (hehe, the gift was actually the game Don't Spill the Beans...anyone remember that game? 80's children? Anyone?) I don't remember if we ever told anyone about that. We may be the only two people (until now) that ever knew...and she probably doesn't remember. It's so insignificant, I'm not sure why I actually still remember it!

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