I don't even know where to start. This week has been absolutely CrAzY! I guess I'll just start at the beginning, and hope you bare with me and make it to the end.
We thought that they were coming to pack/pick-up
Well, Wednesday morning rolls around, Jason takes off for a 12 mile training ruck march with some buddies and I spend a few minutes catching up on my Google reader before the movers show up. Once they arrive, I confirm that they are there to pick up our stuff for storage, to which the head guy says, "nope. we're here to pick up everything you want to send to Japan."
I was INSTANTLY thrown into PANIC mode! If I had still been 1/2 asleep when they showed up, I was now wide awake! The guy showed me his paper work, and sure enough, it said "destination: Japan". I was sure something had been mixed up but didn't know on whose end so I called my husband (I had made sure he took his cell with him on the ruck march, JUST IN CASE) and all but yelled, "I DO NOT CARE WHERE YOU ARE, YOU NEED TO COME HOME NOW!" (There may or may not have been a few expletives in there) He told me he was about 6 miles into a 12 mile ruck march, but luckily, they hadn't just marched 6 miles into the woods, they were on some path and a guy was driving around timing people and he just happened to drive by while I was on the phone with hubs and took him back to his car so he made it home in about 25 minutes. During that time, I had called transportation and they had confirmed that, indeed, they were picking up our HHG that day. So I sent the movers into the office, told them to start there and give me about 20 minutes before they touched any other part of the house. I started the dishwasher and went into our bedroom and started grabbing anything and everything I thought I could possibly need for the summer. I'm pretty sure that I grabbed everything I need, and if not, I'll just buy a new one. I am done worrying about it now, there is nothing I can do about it now. That morning was one of the most frantic of my life. Go ahead and call me melodramatic if you wish, I can take it!
Then, that afternoon, our property manager called and I'll spare you all the details, but essentially there was some miss communication between her and our renters and they thought they were moving into our house on Thursday! Um, no, sorry, our stuff won't be out until Friday morning. Not happening. After some drama in our drive way, the people we thought were going to rent our house decided not to. More stress we did not need, especially after the morning we had. The PM did find someone the next day to rent our house, so it all worked out, but the whole day was absolutely CHAOTIC and I was SOOOO happy when it was over!
I wish I could say the rest of the move went smooth, but Thursday, when I took the dog to the vet to get his final blood test before he could begin the quarantine period, the doors were locked and they appeared to be closed. I saw someone inside so I knocked and the girl who normally sees our dog comes out and tells me that there are no vets in the office today and they can't send out the blood work until a vet signs the paperwork. She checked my file, and luckily, one of the vets had signed a blank form and all she had to do was draw blood, fill it out and send it in. Crisis #3 averted!
Speaking of our dog, I think he's depressed. He's been mopey all week and Friday while we were getting the last bit of stuff out of the house and packing it into the car, he sat like this the whole time

He was determined not to get left behind!
I guess the hubs in not going to Sapper school now, so we rented out our house but aren't leaving town yet, so we're living with friends for a few weeks. I'm not sure how much I'll be posting...could be more, could be less, but I am reading all of your blogs, even if I don't comment! If you made it to this point and actually read all of that non-sense, I appreciate you! I'm sure I'll look back on this experience and it will seem like no big deal, but while it was happening, it definitely seemed like the end of the world. Here's hoping things go a little smoother on the other end!
Draaaamaaaa I would have totally freaked out! I'm glad you got it sorted though and now you can focus on the fun part like travelling!
Oh my gosh, that's NUTS!
Omg, totally crazy but you made it through it all! I am so glad that you are blogging and I can not wait to hear all your Japan stories!!! :)
Good grief that is insane! Glad you made it through without going nuts!
I am just glad you were able to keep your sanity through all of that!
wow! that's crazy, but I totally feel ya girl. but you handled it all very well! glad this part is over. good luck with the rest!
all i can say is i have this nightmare every time we move. have u seen the pictures of the last move and how we crammed everything into our bathroom and told them not to touch it.
Sounds like a hectic moving day! Hopefully, that was the worst part and the rest will be much smoother!
Oh wow. I would have ripped out all of my hair! Don't know how you handled that! Hope the rest of your move is smooth sailing!
Holy cow!! I would have died right there on the spot. That is EXACTLY the kind of thing I am always afraid will happen. I will be scared sh--less next time! I hope hope hope everything else goes more smoothly!
Nope, I think you have me beat in the stress-while-moving department. I can't believe you had to decide the day of what you would need in Japan. Good thing your hubby answered his phone. Pretty sure I would have strangled mine because there's no way he would have answered. He never has his phone on him when I remind him to!
Not to be super creepy, but where was your house? I wonder if it's close to ours.
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