Photo Credit Rejoicing Rebecca Photography
This crazy crew of 4 is packing up and heading out on a new (old) adventure! An opportunity arose and after much thought we decided to take it.
Jason is returning to active duty.
Yep, you read that right, after 4+ years of civilian life, we're going back to finish what he started. We went through a rigorous application process and 6 months after we began we got word that he was accepted to the United States Army Nurse Corps. We're excited! A little sad to be leaving family (I cannot even think about, much less talk about, leaving our niece and nephew that live here. If you follow me on Instagram it's no secret that they are my world and it's going to kill me to not see them every week like we do now.) but excited.
It will be odd to not rock the Engineer red and castles, sing the Engineer song, hear Essayons everywhere we go. We loved our time as an Engineer family but we're excited to embrace the Nursing Corp life (and you'll still probably see me signing the Engineer song and rocking my castles because, roots!).

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