This past weekend our local photo club went on a photo walk to a nearby town, Machida. We went with a game plan similar to one of the walks I went on during PhotoFest Japan last October. The idea was that we were only allowed to take 36 photos {similar to shooting one roll of film} and every photo was supposed to link together or share a common theme. When I did this walk in October I struggled a lot and I think that was mainly because I had a hard time picking a theme so this time I knew ahead of time what I wanted to focus on. I really think that having a game plan helped because I am much happier with my photos this time around.
Thanks to my friend Lindsey for sharing this photo of me taking the 1st shot above!

It seems as though almost everyone, if not everyone, in Japan rides a bicycle. They are everywhere, so it made for an easy theme in my photos. I'm sure it's part of the reason everyone here stays so thin. I see more bicycle parking lots than I do car parking lots. There are "no bicycle parking" signs every where that are mostly ignored as you can see from these photos. I searched ALL day for a bike with a parking violation ticket and it took me until about 10 minutes before we ended for the day to find 1 bike with a ticket on it!
PS. I'm working on checking things off my 30 in 30 list...thoughts on the watermark logo on the photos???
Before I even got to the end of this post I was thinking...I LOVE her new watermark logo!
I love this idea for a photowalk! I'm planning on hosting one here before too long and this would be a great idea for an advanced class (past basic functions). And I love the watermark, too! Very nice!
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