So I'm going to try to take a photo every day of 2010 and HOPEFULLY see some major improvements by the end of the year. It's only been one week and I've already had to resort to yummy food pics I've snapped with my cell phone because I didn't get out the real camera that day. I promise to try harder for next week, even if it means I have 7 photos of Buster =) My goal is to update once a week...we'll see how that goes!
PS, this isn't an original idea...Project365
{01Jan10} yummy Japanese dumplings for the Sugar Bowl

{02Jan10} we discovered that if you leave your baking stones in the oven while you turn the self clean on, they also self clean! These things used to be a perfectly seasoned dark brown color!

{03Jan10} we were able to meet up with one of my 1st "army wife" friends for some dinner in KC!!!

{04Jan10} fun colors at the Harley factory
{05Jan10} we tried out the local Japanese restaurant...Jason was more adventurous than I was, I ordered teryaki chicken and he ordered a bunch of raw fish!
{06Jan10} broke out the new fryer and made wings and fries for dinner...not healthy, but made with love

{07Jan10} our 1st big snow and Buster's made a ribbon. I'm glad it's not a yellow ribbon!
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