Friday, June 18, 2010


 I separate my Nerds and eat them by color...least favorite to most favorite (orange, green, purple, pink, yellow)


Dave and Ashley said...

orange is alwayyys the best, no matter what it is!

Julie Danielle said...

Fun! And you just reminded me I have some nerds hidden in my kitchen :)

Fly The Friendly Skies said...

OMG I always do that with colored candies!!! Green are the last to go for me!!! I'm so glad I am not the only one. ;)

ThinkFeminist said... are the orange first!!! I am a Gator fan!!!

Musings Of An Army Wife

JG said...

That's hilarious. I do that with Starburts, but that's because I don't like the pink or orange ones.

Manda Jnae said...

um, you can all send me the orange, 'cause that's my favorite!

Taylor said...

Atleast you eat your least favorite color! I seperate my colors and throw the ones out I dont like or offer them to the husband!

Anonymous said...

haha.. this was such a fun post to read today, made me smile! ;) You know I have a tendency to do that with colored marshmallows! ;) its funny the way we are...have a great weekend, Mrs. ;)
xx Jenn