
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Mom's visit {Sakura}

In an attempt to not overwhelm you with photos in my last 2 posts, I decided to do a separate post about the Japanese cherry blossoms, or sakura.  The blooming of the sakura is a very important time of the year in Japan.  It is seen as a new beginning, a time to celebrate new life and new opportunities.  The school year in Japan begins at the beginning of April, not in August like it does in the US.  Also, many people move and start new jobs at the end of March/beginning of April, when the cherry blossoms are blooming.  Last year I was not here for cherry blossom season so I was very excited to see them this year.  The fact that my mom's trip timed perfectly with their blooming made it even more exciting!

Here are a few of my favorite cherry blossom photos from the past few weeks

1 comment:

  1. I love your pictures!! I would love to have a cherry blossom tree. They are so beautiful :)
