
Friday, January 28, 2011

Hawaii {part 5 and FINAL}

I'm kind of sad that this is the last Hawaii post! 

As I mentioned yesterday, on our last day, I still had 2 major things to check off my to do list.  Thankfully, Jason had some time off work to do something fun with me and we were able to visit the Dole plantation together.

We went through the gardens

 the husband thinks he's pretty funny

got the stink eye from a lizard

saw signs for Tokyo (aka home)

rode a train

saw some pineapples

went through a giant maze

prayed the husband's Army training would help get us out of said maze

and ate some amazingly good pineapple ice cream with fresh pineapple topping

After we left the plantation, we got to see one lonely turtle soaking up some rays

and  spend a little time on the beach

before we headed off to stuff our faces with BW3's for our last meal in Hawaii (lucky for you, there are no face stuffing photos)

And that my friends, was our trip.  Thanks for allowing me to relive my vacation in paradise share our trip with all of you!  Back to my regular irregular blogging tomorrow =)

PS, I was supposed to set this to post tomorrow but I forgot and don't know how to undo it, so I apologize for the multiple posts today!


  1. Joe's Army training got us out of that maze!! =) It was kind of awesome that he was able to do it. I had zero clue of how to get out of it.

    I enjoyed reliving your visit. So, you're coming again soon, right?! ;-)
